Letters to you, the Serie
Once upon a time… a child who looked at the world and did not understand very well some things. This child had only sure about it: one day she would write to other children to help them change the world. Then she rose and after she fights with many monsters that had been under her bed, she finally is writing her first kid´s book series and helped some friends very kind to write a letter to you.
Santa Claus’ Letter to You
2020 is coming to an end, ufff! It was not easy, not even to Santa Claus. The good old man is worried about everything that is currently happening around the world, and sent Ray the reindeer to look for someone special.
Ray suggested that Santa wrote a letter to you. In this letter, Santa makes a great revelation. What is it? Come to discover it!
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 4 – 10
Stories for kids
Video Book in Youtube | Click now
Dody Dolphin’s Letter to You
Dody Dolphin is a little dolphin. He was very happy playing with his friends in the deep ocean.
But, some terrible things are happening there and he is looking for help.
Who can help Dody and his friends?
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 4 – 10
Stories for kids
Video Book in Youtube | Click now
Also by Amalia M. Laiseca
O verdadeiro líder é o fiel escudeiro que assimila os mais duros golpes, para manter seu grupo unido, encaminhando a empresa rumo ao sucesso. Nenhum ser humano é o centro do universo, e no caso dos líderes, esse conceito se reforça: temos que abdicar de nossos anseios e dar lugar aos anseios da Organização que representamos.
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 14UP
“A Flor Que Meu Amor Colheu” narra os altos e baixos de uma família muito bem sucedida da Checoslováquia dos anos 30. O romance passa a se desenrolar quando os Stenak perdem sua fortuna. Mas pouco seria se a história narrasse apenas a ascensão e a queda econômica da família. Esse livro transcende as expectativas.
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 16UP
O violão: paixões, aventuras, traições, mistérios e…
Em um roteiro com algum mistério, conhecemos um pouco mais as peculiaridades da natureza humana, que vive em guerra contra si mesma, buscando prazer e poder e provocando traições.
Cada capítulo tem acontecimentos que surpreendem e prendem a atenção do leitor.
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 16UP
The world from Us
To make the world the better place we need to start with ourselves. By doing so each and everyone of us can contribute to a better reality for all. More often than not we are blinkered – seeing the world as humanity’s playground. We need to step back and remember we are part of something much bigger – planet earth. This view has led to the destruction of the planet on an industrialised scale.
The scale of the task to reverse the harm we’re inflicting to our planet is so daunting, it has left us impotent, unable to see how we can be agents of change.
We also tell ourselves that there is little point in changing our behaviour as the impact will be so small and insignificant, it will never be enough, so we never start.
(III) I was expecting a grandson and they brought a cat!
Some of Lucia's words And life always surprises us, often anticipating something that we plan for...
(II) I was expecting a grandson and they brought a cat!
Reflections about Empty Nest Syndrome Why some posts about this? Some of Amalia´s words I have a...
(I) I was expecting a grandson and they brought a cat!
Reflections about Empty Nest Syndrome At seeing some numbers from outside, as mere spectators, it...