Letters to you, the Serie
“Letters to you” is an e-book collection in English, Spanish, and Portuguese that provides environmental education for children and their families through captivating and funny stories along with colorful illustrations.”
All online books from this collection will be free. Enjoy it!

Dody Dolphins’ Letter to You
Dody Dolphin is a little dolphin. He used to play happily with his friends in the big, deep ocean but recently, there have been many terrible things happening there and he is looking for help.
Who can help Dody and his ocean friends?
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 4 – 10
Stories for kids
Video Book in Youtube | Click now

Shirley Squirrel letter to you
Shirley is a little, happy and smart squirrel. She lives in a great city. Shirley and his friends are facing some challenges and they are looking for somebody to help them.
Perhaps you can join them!
Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to receive this letter!
(This book is in production. Would you like to support this project? Make a donation!
Shirley and his friends will thank you.)
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 4 – 6
Stories for kids
Video Book in Youtube | Click now
Also by Amalia M. Laiseca

A true leader is a loyal squire who takes very hard blows upon themselves to keep his or her group united and pushing them closer to a victory. No human should ever be the center of the universe and when speaking about leaders this could not be truer. When leading a team, we must renounce our personal desires to match the goals that our organization works toward.
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 14UP

The Flower that my love harvested
The Flower That My Love Harvested (written originally in Portuguese) speaks about the peaks and troughs of a rich Czechoslovakian family. This book transcends all expectations and is not merely about the tumultuous economic journey of the Stenak family and how they lose their fortune.
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 16UP

The Guitar: passions, adventures, betrayals, mysteries, and melodies.
The Guitar: passions, adventures, betrayals, mysteries, and melodies. This novel (written originally in Portuguese) speaks of the peculiarity of human nature. A nature that is in a constant war against itself, looking for pleasure and power whilst provoking betrayals. With each chapter there’s another surprise, another twist, that holds us captive to the very last full stop.
: English | Spanish | Portuguese
Indicate age: 16UP

The world from Us
To make the world the better place we need to start with ourselves. By doing so each and everyone of us can contribute to a better reality for all. More often than not we are blinkered – seeing the world as humanity’s playground. We need to step back and remember we are part of something much bigger – planet earth. This view has led to the destruction of the planet on an industrialised scale.
The scale of the task to reverse the harm we’re inflicting to our planet is so daunting, it has left us impotent, unable to see how we can be agents of change.
We also tell ourselves that there is little point in changing our behaviour as the impact will be so small and insignificant, it will never be enough, so we never start.
(1) Water that the Aracaris drink
Hi, my curious friends from Google! Firstly, I want to say that The ARACARIS (or ARAÇARIS) don’t...
(II) Don’t eat like a convict
Introduction by Mayara Deo It all starts innocently. We all pick up habits, coping...
(I) Don´t eat like a convict!
This Series is for those who do not know when to stop eating, or for those who do not find any...